List of Public Holidays for the year 2005.United Kingdom.1.
New Year Day 1.0 day 1st January
2. Bank Holiday 1.0 day 3rd January
3. Good Friday 1.0 day 25th March
Easter Monday 1.0 day 28th March
5. Bank Holiday 1.0 day 2nd May
6. Bank Holiday 1.0 day 30th May
Bank Holiday 1.0 day 29th August
8. Christmas Day 1.0 day 25th December
9. Boxing Day 1.
0 day 26th December
10. Bank Holiday 1.0 day 27th December.Austria.1. New Year's Day 1.
0 day 1st January
2. Epiphany 1.0 day 6th January
Easter Sunday 1.0 day 27th March
4. Easter Monday 1.0 day 28th March
Labour Day 1.0 day 1st May
6. Ascension Day 1.
0 day 5th May
7. Whit Sunday 1.0 day 15th May
8. Whit Monday 1.0 day 16th May
Corpus Domini 1.0 day 26th May
10. Assumption Day 1.0 day 15th August
11. Republic Day 1.0 day 26th October
All Saints Day 1.0 day 1st November
13. Day of Immaculate Conception 1.0 day 8th December
14. Christmas Eve 0.
5 day 24th December
15. Christmas Day 1.0 day 25th December
16. Boxing Day 1.0 day 26th December
17. New Year's Eve 0.
5 day 31st December.Belgium.1. New Year's Day 1.0 day 1st January
2. Easter Monday 1.
0 day 28th March
3. Labour Day 1.0 day 1st May
4. Ascension Day 1.
0 day 5th May
5. Pentecost 1.0 day 16th May
6. National Day 1.0 day 21st July
Assumption Day 1.0 day 15th August
8. All Saints Day 1.0 day 1st November
Armistice Day (1918) 1.0 day 11th November
10. Christmas Day 1.0 day 25th December
New Year's Day 1.0 day 1st January
2. Epiphany 1.0 day 6th January
3. Whit Monday 1.0 day 14th March (variable)
Greek National Day 1.0 day 25th March
5. CyprusNational Day 1.
0 day 1st April
6. Good Friday 1.0 day 29th April
Good Saturday 1.0 day 30th April
8. Labour Day 1.0 day 1st May
9. Easter Monday 1.0 day 2nd May
Penticote 1.0 day 20th June
11. Assumption Day 1.0 day 15th August
12. CyprusIndependence Day 1.
0 day 1st October
13. Greek National Day 1.0 day 28th October
14. Christmas Eve 0.
5 day 24th December
15. Christmas Day 1.0 day 25th December
16. Boxing Day 1.
0 day 26th December.France.1. New Years Day 1.0 day 1st January
2. Easter Monday 1.
0 day 27th March
3. Labour Day 1.0 day 1st May
4. Ascension Day 1.
0 day 5th May
5. Victory Day 1.0 day 8th May
National Day 1.0 day 14th July
7. Assumption Day 1.0 day 15th August
8. All Saints Day 1.0 day 1st November
Armistice Day (1918) 1.0 day 11th November
10. Christmas Day 1.0 day 25th December.Germany.
1. New Years Day 1.0 day 1st January
2. Epiphany (only Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Saxony-Anhalt) 1.0 Day 6th January
3. Good Friday 1.
0 day 25th March
4. Corpus Christi (only Baden Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, North Rhine Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, some local authorities in Thuringia and Saxony) 1.0 day 26th March
Easter Monday 1.0 day 28th March
6. Labour Day 1.0 day 1st May
Ascension Day 1.0 day 5th May
8. WhitMonday 1.0 day 16th May
9. Assumption Day (only Saarlandand some local authorities in Bavaria) 1.
0 day 15th August
10. German Unification Day 1.0 day 3rd October
11. Reformation Day (only Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and some local authorities in Thuringia) 1.
0 day 31st October
12. All Saints Day 1.0 day 1st November
13. Penance Day (only Saxony) 0.5 day 16th November
14. Christmas Eve ? afternoon off 0.
5 day 24th December
15. Christmas Day 1.0 day 25th December
16. Boxing Day 1.0 day 26th December
17. New Year's Eve 1.
0 day 31st December.Greece.1.
New Years Day 1.0 day 1st January
2. Epiphany 1.0 day 6th January
The First Monday of Lent (Ash Monday) 1.0 day 14th March
4. Independence Day 1.0 day 25th March
Good Friday 1.0 day 29th April
6. Easter 1.
0 day 1st May
7. Easter Monday 1.0 day 2nd May
8. Labour Day 1.0 day 1st May
9. Whit Monday 1.
0 day 20th June
10. Assumption Day 1.0 day 15th August
National Day 1.0 day 28th October
12. Aviation National Day 1.
0 day 8th November
13. Christmas Day 1.0 day 25th December
14. Boxing Day 1.
0 day 26th December.Ireland.1. New Year Day 1.
0 day 1st January
2. Bank Holiday 1.0 day 3rd January
St Patrick's Day 1.0 day 17th March
4. Easter Monday 1.0 day 28th March
5. Public Holiday 1.0 day 2nd May
Public Holiday 1.0 day 6th June
7. Public Holiday 1.0 day 1st August
8. Public Holiday 1.0 day 31st October
Christmas Day 1.0 day 25th December
10. Boxing Day 1.0 day 26th December
11. Public Holiday 1.
0 day 27th December.Italy.1.
Epiphany Day 1.0 day 6th January
2. Easter Sunday 1.0 day 27th March
3. Easter Monday 1.0 day 28th March
Liberation Day 1.0 day 25th April
5. Republic Day 1.0 day 2nd June
6. St.
Peter and Paul (Romeonly) 1.0 day 29th June
7. Day of Virgin Mary 1.0 day 15th August
All Saints Day 1.0 day 1st November
9. Day of Immaculate Conception 1.
0 day 8th December
10. Day of St. Stefano 1.
0 day 26th December.Netherlands.1. New Year's Day 1.0 day 1st January
Good Friday 1.0 day 25th March
3. Easter 2.0 day 27th - 28th March
4. QueensDay 1.
0 day 30th April
5. Ascension Day 1.0 day 5th May
6. Whit Sunday 2.
0 day 15th - 16th May
7. Christmas Day 2.0 day 25th - 26th December.Scotland.1.
Bank Holiday 1.0 day 3rd January
2. Bank Holiday 1.0 day 4th January
Good Friday 1.0 day 25th March
4. Bank Holiday 1.0 day 2nd May
5. Bank Holiday 1.0 day 30th May
Bank Holiday 1.0 day 1st August
7. Christmas Day 1.0 day 25th December
Boxing Day 1.0 day 26th December
9. Bank Holiday 1.0 day 27th December.
1. New Years Day 1st January 1st January
2. Berchtold's Day 2nd January 2nd January
3. Good Friday 25th March 25th March
Easter Monday 28th March 28th March
5. Sechselaeuten (afternoon) 18th April
6. Labour Day 1st May
7. Ascension Day 5th May 5th May
8. Whit Monday 16th May 16th May
9. National Day 1st August 1st August
Jeune Genevois 8th September
11. Knabenschiessen (afternoon) 12th September
12. Christmas Eve (afternoon) 24th December 24th December
Christmas Day 25th December 25th December
14. Boxing Day 26th December 26th December
15. New Years Eve (afternoon) 31st December 31st December.
Turkey.1. New Years Day 1.0 day 1st January
2. Eid Holidays 5.
0 days 19th - 23rd January
3. National Holiday 1.0 day 23rd April
4. National Holiday 1.0 day 19th May
National Holiday 1.0 day 30th August
6. National Holiday 2.0 days 28th - 29th
7. Eid Holidays 4.0 days 2nd - 5th November.
USA.1. New Year's Day (Office will be closed on Friday Dec 31/12/04) 1.0 day 1st January
President Day 1.0 day 21st February
3. Memorial Day 1.0 day 30th May
Independence Day 1.0 day 4th July
5. Labour Day 1.0 day 5th September
6. Thanksgiving Day 1.
0 day 24th & 25th November
7. Christmas Day 1.0 day 26th December.Provided by
.A good reference for public holidays in USA and Europe. Refer to thie guide before booking your holiday.By: Owen Winter